About Us

Our Approach

Mission | The Massachusetts Promise Fellowship believes that all young people in the Commonwealth have a right to the resources they need to be successful in life.

Program Overview | The AmeriCorps Massachusetts Promise Fellowship (MPF) at Northeastern University grew from the America’s Promise Alliance, a collaborative network based on “5 Promises” that form the conditions youth need to succeed: Caring Adults, Safe Spaces, Healthy Start, Effective Education, and Opportunities to Serve. America’s Promise is a thought leader in dropout prevention, closing the opportunity gap, and supporting young people beyond high school.

MPF believes all young people in Massachusetts have a right to these Promises and delivers related interventions in Out of School Time (OST) settings to increase youth academic engagement – a key factor in dropout prevention. Through the Promises and research-based academic engagement interventions, MPF supports schools, city agencies, and community-based organizations in the effort to help youth reach their full potential. Fellows lead academic enrichment and college and career exploration projects at these host sites during a year of service.

MPF is hosted by Northeastern University’s Office of Community Service & Civic Engagement and supported by the Massachusetts Service Alliance and the Corporation for National & Community Service.

Our History

The Massachusetts Promise Fellowship (MPF) is an AmeriCorps program founded in 1999 by Walt Horner. The program’s inspiration is the America’s Promise Alliance, a thought leader in dropout prevention, closing the opportunity gap, and supporting young people beyond high school.

MPF was initially housed at the Massachusetts Service Alliance (MSA) — but Walt Horner sought to partner with a university from the beginning. In 2000, Northeastern University opened its Center for Community Service with the intention to make new investments in community engagement. Walt Horner approached Northeastern, and the partnership was a natural fit. MPF has been embedded within Northeastern since with a focus on community partnerships, direct service, and local engagement.

Currently, MPF is housed in Northeastern’s Office of Community Service and Civic Engagement.

Our Impact

During the 2021-2022 Service Year each Fellow served a consistent cohort of approximately 15-25 youth and their efforts resulted in:

  • 1,053 academic engagement activities (including workshops around STEAM, 21st century & soft skill building, indoor/outdoor teambuilding and leadership activities, etc.)
  • 1,404 one-on-one or group academic help sessions
  • 2,017 one-on-one college or career/job advising sessions
  • 93 college tours
  • 69 job shadows or career panels
  • 105 seniors starting college in Fall 2022

In addition, Fellows recruited 653 volunteers who contributed 2,786 hours of service to communities across the state.

Our Fellows

MPF is committed to bringing together a diverse group of Fellows each year to build community through reflection, dialogue, and training. Each year, an average of five Fellows participated in a youth program led by another Fellows when they were in high school. These Fellows were inspired to give back to their communities by the Fellows that served them.

2023-2024 Cohort Demographics:

  • 79% of Fellows identify as BIPOC
  • 47% of Fellows are first-generation college students
  • 56% of Fellows are serving in the communities they grew up in
  • 20% of Fellows are alumni of the programs they’re serving with as Fellows
  • 5 Fellows are serving a second or third year

Northeastern University, Office of Community Service & Civic Engagement

420 Huntington Ave, Stearns Center 5th Floor, Boston, MA 02115

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info@masspromisefellows.org | 617 – 373 – 5312