MPF is an AmeriCorps program that places Fellows at community youth programs across MA to serve 6-12th graders in an out-of-school setting.

Who We Are:

The Massachusetts Promise Fellowship (MPF) is an AmeriCorps national service program at Northeastern’s Office of Community Service and Civic Engagement.

Each year, MPF places AmeriCorps Members (Fellows) at non-profit organizations, city agencies, and schools across Massachusetts to lead out-of-school time programming for youth in grades 6-12 focused on mentoring, academic enrichment, and college and career exploration.

Our Five Promises

Caring Adult

Fellows create year-long relationships with youth and provide them with individualized mentorship and coaching to reach their goals

Safe Space

Fellows foster a welcoming and fun environment where young people are comfortable expressing themselves

Healthy Start

Fellows take a holistic approach to youth development by designing programs that support youth’s social, emotional, physical, and intellectual growth

Effective Education

Fellows deliver academic enrichment or college and career readiness programming to ensure youth are prepared to succeed

Opportunity to Serve

Fellows encourage a sense of community belonging and civic engagement

Fellow Impact

So far this service year, the efforts of our Fellows have resulted in:

14,850.25 hours served by Fellows

11,286.25 hours of interaction time with youth

Fellow Testimonials

At Enroot, I work closely with immigrant students, build community among them, and support them in their endeavors. I facilitate relationships between them and their mentors, so they can develop their sense of self and of belonging. I see the impact of our work when my students say that they can rely on me, other Enroot staff, or their mentor for support. I love being able to see our students grow their confidence, develop their ability to advocate for themselves, and foster tightknit relationships with each other. 

Kal, Fellow at Enroot from 2022-2023

When I first started MPF I was a little intimidated. I was unsure about the other fellows and felt I had a long way to go in order to catch up with all the materials. However, I found the exact opposite and realized that MPF is intentional about supporting fellows with the trainings necessary for success at their host site. I have found success at my host site, St. Stephen’s Youth Programs, through scheduling college tours for my seniors, hosting senior retreats, and creating opportunities for my youth to advocate for themselves at my organization. MPF built the starting foundation for my career path and I look forward to doing my second year at St. Stephen’s Youth Programs.

– Dede, Fellow at St. Stephen’s Youth Programs from 2022-2023

I joined MPF right after graduating college without fully understanding the impact it would have on my life. Although I majored in marine science in college with a heavy focus on research, I wanted to find an experience that would enable me to work with kids. Through MPF and my host site placement at Apprentice Learning, I have not only enhanced my ability to facilitate youth programs, but also project management skills, social media content creation, and building relationships with external partners.

– Laura, Fellow at Apprentice Learning from 2021-2023

Coming Up at MPF…

What you missed…


Info Session to Host a Fellow for 2024-2025

On January 22, 2024 at 11:00 am

Northeastern University, Office of Community Service & Civic Engagement

420 Huntington Ave, Stearns Center 5th Floor, Boston, MA 02115

CLICK HERE to sign up for the MPF Newsletter! | 617 – 373 – 5312